Born Again Vegetarian

Born Again Vegetarian

Vegetarian Ingénue I first became a vegetarian when I was 11 years old. A fully paid-up member of the Junior RSPCA, I identified as an 'animal lover' and begged my mum to let me give up eating meat. She was reluctant at first. Wary of complicating mealtimes and...

My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Waking up in a daze when Jesse wandered into our room at 5.20am. Sending him back to bed. Dozing off. Waking up again around 7am. Creeping downstairs to avoid waking our guests. Mr L.A.'s best friend and his partner had arrived from Leamington on Friday night. Sipping...

My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Waking up after very little sleep. If you caught my Instagram Story on Friday evening, you'll know Izzy had a few friends over to celebrate her birthday. They were good as gold, but I don't think they fell asleep until almost 2am. Fixing breakfast for everyone. Warm...

My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Snuggling in bed with Jesse. Creeping downstairs for a cup of tea. Dozing on the sofa while Jesse watched Inside Out beside me. Greeting Izzy when she emerged from her bedroom. Persuading the children to get dressed. Welcoming Mr L.A. home after a night away. Eating...

Pasta with Roasted Peppers, Feta and Olives

Pasta with Roasted Peppers, Feta and Olives

If you happen to know me, my mum or my sister 'in real life', chances are you'll have shared this meal with us at some point. Back in the mid-90s, mum discovered the recipe printed on a packet of Sainsbury's fusilli pasta and it's been a staple part of our diet ever...

My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Waking up a little after 7am. Listening to Mr L.A. snore. Deciding to creep downstairs for a cup of tea. Bumping into Jesse on the landing outside our bedroom. Snuggling on the sofa in front of a film. Greeting the others when they joined us downstairs. Tucking into...

My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Waking up in London. It was Carl's birthday on Friday and our 5th wedding anniversary on Saturday, so we spent the weekend childfree in the capital. Lounging in bed for as long as possible. Tucking into scrambled eggs and smoked salmon. Slowly getting ready to face...

7 Questions About Writing and My Career

7 Questions About Writing and My Career

Having answered your questions about motherhood at the end of last year, today I'm turning my attention to the things you asked about writing and my career. It's another long one, so get comfy and settle in... What did you want to be when you were growing up? Have you...

My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Waking up when Jesse crept into our bedroom a little after 6am. Snuggling beneath the duvet. Slipping downstairs for a mug of tea. Lounging on the sofa and watching The Incredibles. Making pancakes for breakfast. Smothering them in maple syrup. Drinking freshly...

Hello 2017

Hello 2017

After an unplanned break from blogging in December and ten days away from home during the Christmas holidays, I've been desperate to lose myself at my laptop and pull together my first post of 2017. As you may already know, 2016 was an incredibly challenging year for...

3 Winter Skincare Saviours

3 Winter Skincare Saviours

I probably don't need to tell you what winter does to my skin. Basically, the minute we flick the switch on the central heating, I feel like my face could fall off at any moment. It becomes dry, dull and flaky, which is never a good look. My skin needs extra attention...

6 Questions About Motherhood

6 Questions About Motherhood

A little while ago, I asked you to contribute questions for a Q&A blog post. Despite worrying I was setting myself up for a tumbleweed moment, the questions started trickling in and eventually I had more than enough. As I read them through, a few clear themes began to...

My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Snuggling in bed with both children. A rare occurrence these days as Izzy usually sleeps so late. Slinking downstairs for a cup of tea. Tucking into eggs and avocado on toast. Coaxing the children into their clothes. Saying goodbye to the children. Jesse had a...

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Given my current health issues, it should come as no surprise to hear that rest, and more specifically, sleep, is often at the forefront of my mind. Recognising my sporadic sleep patterns left a lot to be desired, I've spent the last couple of months tweaking my...

My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Waking up far too early when Jesse climbed into our bed. Desperately trying to drift off to sleep again. Giving up and heading downstairs. Sipping tea beneath a blanket on the sofa. Watching Hocus Pocus. 'Tis the season. Smothering my hair in Lush Marilyn. Like I said...

My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Sending Jesse back to bed when he woke up before 7am. I'm still amazed this actually worked and we all got an extra 45 minutes of sleep. Dragging myself downstairs for a cup of tea. Snuggling beneath a blanket on the sofa. Watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens....

Your Health Is Your Wealth

Your Health Is Your Wealth

This time six months ago, I'd just been discharged from hospital. I was tired, weak and fragile. The flu had decimated my white blood cells and I could barely walk from the bathroom to the sofa. The doctor warned me recovery after such a serious infection would take...

My weekend has mainly been spent…

My weekend has mainly been spent…

Sleeping in. Joining Mr L.A. and Jesse downstairs on the sofa. Eating sausages, egg and beans for breakfast. Drinking multiple cups of tea. Diving into the shower while the children watched a DVD. Resting on our bed upstairs. My chronic fatigue symptoms have been...



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