Despite living in our current home for almost 7 years, we’ve done very little in the way of decorating. Between studying for my undergrad degree, completing my MA, and having a second baby, we’ve had neither the time or the money with which to indulge my interior design fantasies.
What we did do when we first moved in was paint all the interior walls white. I had visions of existing in a light, airy space that was serene and uncluttered. And it was… for all of five minutes.
Turns out, pure white walls and small children do not make the best companions. As I eschew most forms of housework, the chances of me scrubbing the paintwork on a regular basis are slim to none. We’ve simply learnt to live with grubby hand prints, smeared food and the children’s illicit pieces of wall art. {Note to self: do not leave felt tip pens within Jesse’s reach.}
The children’s bedroom has long been at the very top of my decorating ‘to do’ list. It’s easy to see why from a couple of ‘before’ shots…
Creating a room for two children of the opposite sex, and of very different ages, was a daunting task. How to please my almost tween girl without denying my son a room fit for a toddler boy?
After weeks of scouring the Internet and filling my dedicated Pinterest board with countless images, I finally had enough inspiration to formulate a plan…
Credits: 1. Colour scheme via Urban Comfort, 2. Cluster of wall art via Apartment Therapy, 3. Aria’s Room via Project Nursery, 4. Old school desks via Holamama, 5. Reading nook via These Moments of Mine, 6. Pom poms and pale grey walls via Daffodil Design, 7. Twin beds via Designed to the Nines
As will become apparent in future posts, we eventually settled on reasonably grown up colour scheme of pale grey, teal and yellow, with a few brighter flourishes thrown in to keep it young enough for the littlest one. We upgraded the children to bunk beds and created a comfy reading nook beside their bookcase. We decluttered, organised and arranged the room into a much calmer space.
I may also have indulged my weakness for Etsy a little.
OK, a lot.
Love Audrey xxx
Cute! I absolutely love your new blog design by the way! The hand drawn Audreys are just great x
Thank you so much Abi, I’m really pleased you like it
I LOVE the color scheme!! My husband & I are currently house hunting -it’ll be SO NICE to get our daughter into a space we can truely make her own (as opposed to the stark white walls that are found in every apartment).