You are 4 and suddenly so grown up. I am constantly amazed by the things you can do and say. I love watching you learn. It’s as if your world gets a little bigger each day.
Dear Jesse,
Thank you for always making me laugh. Out loud, at least once, every day without fail. Whether you’re singing The Kinks, practicing your air guitar or just giving me your unique take on things, I am always grateful for the joy you bring me.
Dear Jesse,
Don’t slow down. You’re exhausting, but I love your boundless energy and enthusiasm. It’s contagious.
Keep noticing the little things. Stay curious. Stop and stare at the tiny bug you’ve seen on a leaf. Find patterns in the puddles on the pavement. Search the clouds for castles. Stare intently at the birds in our front garden. Bring me a buttercup like it’s the most precious gift in the world.
Dear Jesse,
Reading you a bedtime story is the highlight of my day. Thank you for picking a book each evening, for finding things in the pictures that I’d otherwise never see, for laughing at my funny voices and bubbling with excitement as each tale reaches its climax. I’ll miss the magic of these quiet moments when you graduate to silently reading yourself to sleep.
Dear Jesse,
Stay close to me. I have never known love and affection the like of which you give me. From your first ‘true love kiss’ each morning to your last embrace before bed, you are tender and caring beyond your years. I know it can’t last forever. One day you’ll recoil in horror at the thought of hugging me in public, but for now it is a beautiful privilege.
Dear Jesse,
Know that we love you. Always, and no matter what.
Happy birthday baby boy.
Love Audrey xxx
PS. This post was partly inspired by the beautiful letters The Start-Up Wife writes each of her children on their birthday. Earlier this year I wrote to Izzy too.
Just perfect Franky x
Beautiful darling, just beautiful. I read to Eska every single day of her life until she hit around 5 years old. Every evening, it was the best part of my day, even when I was shattered. I’d crawl in to bed with her and read and loved it.
I seem to have let this beautiful part of the day slip with Leanora – she goes to bed with Eska and they listen to story CDs. Only Monday this week I said to Phil ‘I’ve just realised, I’m not reading to Leanora each night, I really miss that, it makes me sad that I’m not’. So I read to her that evening. I haven’t since because of one reason or another, and the story tape can be an easy alternative option, but your post has reminded me what a little moment of joy reading to the little ones at night can be. So I’ve just gathered a pile of my favourite childrens books to leave by the bunk beds and will be reading to Leanora every night from now on.
Happy Birthday Jesse – give your Mum a big squeeze from me.