It emerged late Thursday evening that the guests Mr. LA had told me were arriving on Saturday afternoon would actually be stopping by on Friday morning. My elaborate plans for a double layered chocolate orange cake were dashed and I had to resort to the easiest recipe in my baking repertoire.
It was no great loss really as these are absolutely delicious and fill the house with the comforting aroma of honey and cinnamon while they bake. It’ also a fantastic way to use up those lonely bruised bananas that always seem to end up hanging around the fruit bowl. As an added bonus they’re egg free meaning baby Jesse could get in on the cake action for once!
This bake is incredibly easy and quick, so much so that I often let Izzy make them single-handed once I’ve helped her measure out the ingredients. On this occasion, I managed to whip these up in half an hour while Jesse played angelically at my feet. Just call me Goddess, Domestic Goddess!
You will need:
30g unsalted butter
2 oozingly heaped tablespoons of clear honey
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large, very ripe bananas
150g plain four
1 heaped teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch of salt
12-bun muffin tin and paper cases
- Preheat oven to 190c/Gas Mark 5
- Put the butter, honey and vanilla extract in a pan on a low heat to melt. Remove and set aside for a few minutes.
- Mash the bananas. I figured you all know what mashed bananas look like
- In another bowl measure out the flour, baking powder, bicarb, cinnamon and salt.
- Mix the melted-butter mixture with the bananas.
- Mix this into the dry ingredients. Don’t over mix, just stir a couple of times. You will end up with a not very attractive lumpy sludge, but don’t worry, the magic hapens in the oven!
- Fill the paper cases about 2/3 full of mixture. It’s worth noting at this point that I have never managed to get the desired 12 muffins from this recipe. Either Nigella’s measurements are off or I’m just a greedy baker who likes mahoosive muffins. As you can see here, I only managed to fill 7 cases.
- Put in the oven and bake for 25 minutes. Leave in the tin for 5 minutes, then remove the muffins in their cases to a wire rack for another 5-10 or until cool.
I always like to sample the finished product before I inflict it on the rest of the world so here’s how I spent yesterday morning while Jesse napped and I waited for our guests to arrive. Bliss.You’ll find the Nigella original on p. 218-20 of ‘How To Be A Domestic Goddess’.
Loveaudrey xxx
I am having muffin envy, I am actually jealous of what is in your photos! I love banana muffins, they are my fave! xox
Ooh yum yum – a muffin, a cuppa and a magazine is what I could do with right now! xx
Thanks so much for sharing your recipes, I love them so much and I’m definitely going to try these out, I love banana loaf, so I gather this probably tastes similar. Yum yum! xxx
Mmmm, I thinks I might have to make these Franky, you’re making me drool! I love it when you post recipes, and it makes me really want the Nigella book!
@Lollipop It’s the best therapy isn’t it!
@Bliss If you love banana muffins you should really try these. They’re so easy and once you’ve had homemade muffins it’s hard to go back to shop bought ones!
@Rocaille You’re welcome hun, I’m glad you enjoy them because I love postng them. You know, I’ve never made a banana loaf even though I have a recipe for one. I’ll bake that if you bake these!!
@Laura You should def make these, they’re delicious and stupidly quick and simple. I’m glad you enjoy the recipe posts. The Nigella book is brilliant and a real investment, I’d say it’s my most used recipe book (and I have a few!!)I love the way she writes too.
I’m making these tonight with my sister
Wednesday night is sisters night, and we always bake and watch Come Dine With Me, recently all the baking recipies have come from you
Franky!!! SOS…
I don’t have bicarb…what do I do?!?!?! xxx
Oh dear Laura I’ve only just seen this!! Sorry I couldn’t help at the time!! What did you do in the end? I expect if you left it out they would have come out ok but maybe a little flat or with a slightly odd texture?