One of the hardest things about trying to juggle caring for 2 children, a part-time job and studying for a Masters is the total lack of time left to indulge in the activities I enjoy. That’s why baking-related posts have been somewhat few and far between of late.
However, the fact Mr. LA is off shooting a music video today has resulted in me taking an enforced study break. Therefore, I’ve been able to enjoy some quality time with Izzy in the kitchen (relatively) guilt free.
I extinguished my beloved Mulled Wine Yankee Candle and set about filling the house with some genuine, real, live Christmas scents. Mmmmmmm…. Christmas Muffins!! Taken from ‘How To Be A Domestic Goddess’ (p. 277 to be precise), Nigella’s recipe has everything… cranberries, clementine, nutmeg and cinnamon AND, like most muffins, they’re incredibly easy to make, the perfect bake to attempt with small children.
For the muffins you will need:
200g plain flour
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
75g demerara sugar
good grating fresh nutmeg
1 clementine or small orange
approx 50ml milk
60g unsalted butter, melted
1 large egg
150g-ish dried cranberries (as Nigella notes, 150g makes for heavily fruited muffins, I like to reduce the quantity ever so slightly)
For the topping:
2 tsp demerara sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1. Preheat oven to 200c/gas mark 6
2. In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, bicarb and sugar and grate over a generous amount of nutmeg.
3. Squeeze the orange or clementine juice into measuring jug (Izzy really enjoyed this part!) , then pour the milk on top till it comes up to the 150ml mark. Add the melted butter and the egg and beat to combine.
4. Pour the jug of liquid ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients and stir until more or less combined. It’s worth remembering that a lumpy batter makes perfectly light muffins.
5. Finally, lightly fold in the cranberries and fill the muffin cases.
6. Mix together the demerara and the cinnamon and sprinkle over the tops of the muffins. Place them in the oven and bake for 20 minutes.
I like to eat these while they’re still warm, when the cranberries melt in your mouth! Nigella recommends them for breakfast on Christmas morning, a fabulous idea, particularly if you follow her advice and measure out all the dry ingredients the night before.
Now, I’m going to pour myself a cup of tea, nibble on another muffin and find something exciting to do (inside) with the children! Any suggestions??
Loveaudrey xxx
I was going to make these too 🙂 Love that book! xxx
@ Hehe I knew you would love Domestic Goddess, I have no idea how I ever baked without it! Def bake these, they’re so yummy and they’d make the perfect xmas present too.
I’m doing gingerbread, but would love to do muffins too…did you decorate them?
Any good ideas on free/very very cheap ways of packaging the food?! xxx
Ooooo and next year I am doing these…
Gorgeous, no? They sell a pack of 1L preserving jars in Lakeland for around £16. Only problem is that this recipe uses a 1 quart jar which is just over a litre. Damn American recipe!! I’ll have to tweak it slightly!