Graduation from loveaudrey on Vimeo.
- Relying on the 2 human alarm clocks to wake us up.
- Panicking when we surfaced at 8.40am and realised they hadn’t.
- Frantically trying to get ready.
- Eating a breakfast of poached eggs with smoked salmon and hollandaise sauce.
- Wearing my ‘going away outfit’ from the wedding.
- Greeting my parents, sister and Grandmother as they arrived.
- Collecting my robes.
- Looking ridiculous. Does anyone actually manage to look stylish in a mortar board?
- Hanging around the University reception, waiting for the ceremony to start.
- Seeing old friends from my MA course and realising just how much I miss them.
- Feeling a tiny bit jealous of those of them that have been brave enough to start a PhD already.
- Heading into the Great Hall to take my seat.
- Loving the pomp and circumstance.
- Listening to Floella Benjamin {chancellor of the university} open the ceremony.
- Feeling a touch nervous.
- Edging ever closer to the stage.
- Finally hearing my name and striding towards Floella who greets every student with open arms.
- Hearing my family cheering from the audience.
- Being told to change the world. Obviously, I fully intend to.
- Asking Floella to wave at my daughter in the audience.
- Posing for pictures. Lots of pictures.
- Heading out of the hall and into the drizzle with my family.
- Being greeted by a huge rainbow.
- Sipping champagne and catching up with my fellow graduates.
- Missing my Dad.
- Craving academic life.
- Having lunch at Strada.
- Despairing at Jesse’s behaviour.
- Quipping that it was harder getting through the 45 minute meal with my two children than it was completing my MA with them. I was only joking though. Sort of.
- Strolling home.
- Drinking tea.
- Trying to be brave when I said goodbye to my sister Nicola. She’s off travelling in a couple of weeks and will be gone for at least 2 years. I think I’m in denial about it at the moment, but I know I’m going to miss her desperately.
- Giving my little sis some good advice. Avoid the really weird men. Moderately weird ones on the other hand…
- Feeling too lazy to cook.
- Giving in very quickly when Mr LA suggested a takeaway.
- Drinking champagne and watching ‘True Romance’.
- Getting very excited when Eliza sent us the link to our wedding photos.
- Staying up far too late looking at our wedding photos.
- Waking up with a serious case of too much champagne/not enough sleep.
- Cooking an amazing breakfast {even if I do say so myself!}
- Being very lazy for what felt like the first time in aaaaages.
- Eventually getting dressed.
- Meeting a dear friend at the cinema.
- Munching popcorn and enjoying ‘The Artist’ very, very much.
- Sipping tea and catching up.
- Heading home to hang out with my husband.
Loveaudrey xxx
oh oop’s! well congratulations!! what were you studying?
I always look forward to your weekend posts. Congratulations on graduating. x
Thank you lovely xxx
congratulations Mrs Love Audrey MA :)your dad would have been so proud of you x and no your can’t look vaguely becoming in a mortar board or a graduation robe, I looked like a mushroom in mine and those robes don’t stay still no matter how much you pin them xxx
It wasn’t my sister, it was me! But thank you
Thank you
I couldn’t wait to get the dman things off, they’re so annoying! Had terible hat hair afterewards too! xxx
Well I think you manage to carry the robe and board pretty well actually
Congratulations to you x
What a lovely weekend! Congratulations on your graduation (and of course, your wedding). What an exciting year it’s been already for you x
Enjoyed watching that video and it reminded me of Laura’s graduation, which seems a long time ago now. Life passes way too quickly but you certainly seem to have started the year with plenty to keep you busy!
Congratulations x
Congratulations! What a month it has been for you! xxx
Amazing how simple it can be to communicate with people and have them understand a certain topic, you made my day.
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