It’s a long time since I’ve written a blog post about food. Four years, to be precise {I checked}. Without going off on too much of a tangent, I often struggle to figure out whether I’m ‘allowed’ to post things like this anymore. Sharing the kind of content I enjoy writing doesn’t always feel strategic enough. I worry I should be blogging more for business than pleasure. Will potential clients land here and wonder what the vegan recipes below have to do with my copywriting business? Maybe, but creativity and self-care are central to my brand. They’re themes I want to weave throughout everything I post. For me, cooking embodies both these things.

Now we’ve cleared that up, let me explain the thinking behind this post. When I transitioned to a vegan diet a few years ago, I was fixated on finding the best non-dairy alternatives and meat substitutes. Which milk should I use in my tea? {Oatly Barista} What do I use instead of butter? {Vitalite}. Who does the best veggie burger? {Linda McCartney} These questions felt important at the beginning, but I soon realised I needed to go further than simply restocking my fridge.

I needed to build a whole new repertoire of easy go-to recipes. Things I can cook without having to expend too much headspace, time or energy. Mid-week meals I can serve my family on regular rotation. If you follow me on Instagram Stories, these are the dishes you’ve watched me prepare over and over again.

How to Adapt Non-Vegan Recipes

The longer I’m vegan, the easier it is to adapt non-vegan recipes, switch out ingredients and make successful substitutions. It takes time to test recipes and try new things, but once you’ve found reliable basic ingredients and your favourite store cupboard staples, you’ll be tweaking recipes with your eyes closed.

Sometimes you need to make a simple switch to a non-dairy alternative or a meat substitute. Occasionally, it’s about recreating or replacing a flavour that usually comes from meat or fish. This can take a little more practice, but it’s really satisfying when you manage to pull it off. 9 Seasonings for Adding Savoury Flavour to Vegan Recipes is a useful cheat sheet for beginners.

Some Notes on Tofu

As a family, we love tofu and eat it a lot. There are many different types to choose from and it can be a bit overwhelming at first. This article from Kitchn is a good beginners guide. I cook with firm and extra-firm regular tofu the most and I tend to use the same two brands – Tofoo and Cauldron. They’re both relatively easy to get hold of at our local supermarket or via Ocado.

If you’re new to tofu, the Tofoo brand is a good place to start as it doesn’t require any pressing. Simply remove the packaging, pat dry with kitchen roll or a clean tea towel, and you’re good to go.

Having said that, pressing tofu is very easy and you don’t need a fancy kitchen gadget to do it. Line a plate with some kitchen roll or a clean tea towel. Lay your tofu between this and another plate weighed down with a heavy object. Leave for 10-30min, carefully remove the tofu and pat dry with some fresh kitchen roll or a clean tea towel.

Most of the time, I cut our tofu into bite-sized cubes, toss them in some seasoned flour and either fry or oven bake until crispy. I can then add the cooked tofu to sauces, curries, stir-fries, noodle dishes and more. For some recipes, I slice the tofu and fry it just as it is.

I’d really recommend trying different brands, recipes and cooking methods until you find your own favourites. For a quick, flavoursome tofu fix, I love Taifun’s Smoked Tofu with Almonds & Sesame Seeds. It’s delicious with dal, especially if it’s been sliced thinly and fried until crispy.

The Meals I Cook the Most

  • One-Pot Pasta – This is one of my favourite meals of all time. It takes 15 minutes to make, you only need one pot, and the end result is delicious. Violife Prosociano works well instead of parmesan. If you enjoy this dish, try one-pan pea, lemon and asparagus pasta when the ingredients are in season.
  • Lentil Ragu – This recipe makes a huge amount of ragu. I can usually turn it into at least two lasagnes {using Sacla’s vegan white sauce} and still have some leftover to serve with spaghetti. It freezes really well too.
  • Tofu in Black Bean Sauce – Instead of the seitan listed in this recipe, I use the cubed, cooked tofu described above.
  • Chilli Tofu – I make this a little more child-friendly by reducing the amount of chilli. The other ingredients contribute plenty of flavour, so the dish does not suffer for it.
  • Chana Masala – This chickpea curry is such a staple in our house. I like to serve it with shop-bought veggie samosas and rice.
  • Sausage Casserole – To make this dish vegan, I omit the pork sausages and bacon {obviously} and start at step 3. Make sure you use vegetable stock and a vegan alternative to Worcestershire Sauce {I like Henderson’s Relish or Liquid Smoke}. I’ve used a variety of veggie sausages over the years and they all work well in this dish. Some will benefit from being fried before they’re added to the casserole.
  • One-Pot Tomato, Lemongrass and Coconut Noodles – This is such a quick, simple dish to prepare, but it’s packed full of flavour.  My kids love it. If, like me, you can never get hold of fresh lemongrass, the paste that comes in a tube or jar will suffice.
  • Katsu Curry with Panko Aubergines – I’m the only person in our house who eats aubergine, so I tend to serve the sauce from this recipe with some kind of crispy escalope. The ones from Vivera and Vegan Quorn are the best I’ve tried.
  • Bean Goulash – A big pot of beans is my go-to when invoices are overdue and there’s too much month left at the end of the money! This is a cheap, easy recipe with masses of flavour.
  • Simple One-Pot Puttanesca – Another delicious self-saucing pasta dish. Switch out the parmesan for vegan cheese and don’t worry about the chives if you don’t have any – I never do.
  • Simple Southwest Tofu Scramble – My kids love brinner {breakfast for dinner} but this is obviously an excellent brunch option too.
  • I hope this list of links is helpful and you feel inspired to try some new vegan recipes. Maybe you’ll even end up adding them to your regular rotation.

Love Audrey xxx

P.S. Of course, you dont need to be vegan to cook or eat any of these dishes. It’s worth noting I’m the only vegan in our household and these recipes are enjoyed by us all.

P.P.S. How to Cook from Scratch When You’re Tired and Busy

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Love Audrey
The Meals I Cook the Most {Vegan Recipes, Tips and More}
May in photos 🤳

1. Finally, some Franky weather. One of the best things about this month has been dusting off my summer dresses and being able to wear sandals ☀️

2+3. Coronation weekend. So many thoughts 💭 But the food was good! I made a vegan version of my mum’s famous coronation chicken and it was delicious.

4. Jesse staying upbeat during yet another trip to hospital. That steroid buzz though. IYKYK.

5. Some of the food served at the first meeting of Bristol Cook Book Club since 2020. It felt so good to get this going again. I can’t wait for our next feast!

6. Me among the cow parsley, snapped by Jesse.

7. I’ve been thinking about creativity a lot this month while working through the ‘The Artist’s Way’. 

8. Breakfast outside.

9. {Still} scrapbooking December. Fingers crossed I can finally wrap up this project in June 🤞🏻

10. Izzy’s final show at The Tobacco Factory. After tonight, she’ll be done with college {and compulsory education} forever 🤯

We packed a lot into this month. Enough to fill two carousels! This might explain why I’m so tired! I’m looking forward to June though. Everything’s better when the sun shines ✨
@_charlieswift has been raving about ‘The Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron for years. I finally caved, ordered the book and agreed to work through the course with her and some other artists. 

The book focuses on ‘guiding you through the process of recovering your creative self’ to ‘help you unleash your inner artist’. It’s early days {I’ve only read as far as week two and I haven’t even started my morning pages yet - IYKYK}, but I’m enjoying the process so far. 

Today I took myself on my first Artist Date - ‘a block of time… especially set aside and committed to nurturing your creative consciousness, your inner artist’. I decided to treat myself to a solo cinema trip to see ‘Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.’ The film was brilliant and taking time out midweek to do something just for me felt… kind of naughty? And fun! It definitely filled my creative well {again, IYKYK}.

Have you read ‘The Artist’s Way?’ Where would you go on a date with your inner artist?!
Franky weather ☀️🌅🔆🌻✨

That’s it, that’s the caption.
April in photos 🤳

1. Our trip to London over Easter was a definite highlight this month. Here’s the obligatory ‘flowers outside Liberty’ shot.

2. Finally! Some sunshine! More of the same please, Mr. Weatherman ☀️

3. Dressed for a day of sightseeing in my new favourite pink jacket. It’s Boden and I bought it in the sale 💖

4 + 5. Scenes from a trip to the big Waterstones in Piccadilly. This poem by @charlycox1 floored me. Crying in a bookshop. Not awkward at all.

6. I was proud of these steps, so I’m posting them here for posterity 🚶🏼‍♀️🥄

7. The Easter holidays also featured lots of lazy days 🎮😴

8. We bought a nutribullet and I’m officially in my smoothie era.

9 + 10. Dinner and drinks at @thecoconuttreeuk with our IzzyBee. Taking your daughter out for cocktails is a season of parenting I’m very much enjoying.

Not pictured: a family funeral and the chest infection I’m still getting over 🤒 How was April for you?
Easter weekend in my hometown 💃🏼

No trip to London is long enough for me to see all the people and do all the things I want to do while I’m there, but we always manage to pack a lot in. It’s 17 years since I moved away, but somehow it still feels like coming home. Here’s some of what we got up to…

1. Being tourists.

2. Shopping at Westfield.

3 + 4. Hanging out and eating at Southbank.

5. Refuelling in Chinatown.

6. Enjoying the big Waterstones in Piccadilly.

7. Admiring the spring flowers outside Liberty.

8. Visiting the Imperial War Museum for the first time since I was a child.

9 + 10. Seeing Elton John at the O2 with my mama 👓🎹🎤🪩✨

I hope you’ve managed to enjoy the long weekend, whatever you’ve been up to! That sunshine though!☀️🤩
March in Photos 🤳

1. How it’s going…

2. How it started.

3. My in-laws were involved in a terrible car crash earlier this month. They’re very, very lucky to be alive. It was a horrible time, so I’m grateful there was a happy ending.

4. My husband sent me this photo of a photo from our wedding day while he was visiting his parents. Turns out his mum carries it in her purse ❤️

5. While I was waiting for news from Derby, I took myself out on a walk and ended up in @thesmallcitybookshop. It was like my feet knew books would bring me comfort.

6 + 7. Just spring things.

8. Vegan lemon and almond loaf and a green smoothie from @theorchardcoffeeco 🍰🌱

9. I bought it 🌸

10. Other music? I don’t know her. 

How’s March been treating you? Personally, I’m ready for April and spring PROPER!
There is a past version of me who cannot believe I get to do this every day 💭📝💻

She’s around 12yrs old, working on her first novel in a little ring-bound notebook, dreaming up stories, devouring books and trying to imagine a life filled with words. Everything that makes my business possible now barely existed then, so even she’d struggle to conjure up  an image of what my life looks like now.

I’m grateful that I get to do this, for the clients who trust me to find the right words, and I’m grateful to that past version of me too. Without her, I wouldn’t be here now. Sure, she’d probably want me to hurry up and get back to that novel, but I think she’d be proud of the business I’ve built and the way I’ve managed to create a life filled with words.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
Lockdown memories, three years on 🦠⏳

Very little of my life made it on to the grid in 2020, so this is the first time I’ve shared these images. They’re all from the first lockdown and most were taken between March and May. I think the arrival of spring will always remind me of this strange time.

When Boris made his announcement on the 23rd, our children had already been out of school for a week. Jesse, who was initially deemed clinically vulnerable, spent the next 6m shielding. He left primary school one day not realising he’d never go back. He did not see another child his age until the summer. Like many kids and adults in the same situation, the experience had a deep impact on his mental health. 

Izzy was in Year 10. As the pandemic raged on, she did most of her GCSEs online, celebrated her 16th birthday via Netflix Party, finished secondary school with minimal fanfare and missed out on prom completely. When she finally had a normal night out with friends in the winter of 2021, I cried quietly in the kitchen when she got home. Seeing her so happy and animated after a simple ‘cheeky Nando’s’ only highlighted everything she’d missed out on in the previous 18 months.

It’s easy to forget how little we knew about the virus in the beginning and how frightening that was for everyone involved. We had it easy in comparison to some, but I still marvel at the way we coped with it all. The way we isolated, home schooled and kept our businesses ticking over. My goodness it was hard! As my children often joke, I hope we’re done living through major historical events for a while.